Exotic Pet Ultrasound

Chinchilla getting an ultrasound Ultrasound for Exotic Animals at Anderson Exotic Veterinary Clinic

Exotic pet ultrasound is an incredibly useful and widely used method of diagnosis within a veterinary setting. This is a totally painless procedure that helps veterinarians determine what is happening with the internal organs of your pet when other options like x-rays aren’t showing any signs. Here’s what you need to know about the process and why it is so beneficial.

How the Ultrasound Process Works for Exotic Pets

If you or someone you know has ever been pregnant, you’ve probably seen an ultrasound machine. This same technology used to detect the heartbeat and health of an unborn human baby is also commonly used in our office at Anderson Exotic Veterinary Clinic for similar results.

When your exotic mammal, bird, or reptile has an ultrasound at our clinic in San Diego, the process is short and does not cause any pain whatsoever. To help get accurate results, the skin in the area that the ultrasound is needed is generally shaved or plucked depending on species. From there, a special gel is applied.

A wand is used to emit high-frequency sound waves. These waves are then “bounced” back from the body and interpreted on a computer to show potential problems underneath the skin. Examples of medical conditions seen by ultrasound include pregnancies, tumors, masses, obstructions, and more.

When is Veterinary Ultrasound Often Used and For What Type of Animals?

There are numerous times when Dr. Anderson might consider the ultrasound process. The first is when all previous x-rays or other forms of diagnosis are showing clear, yet the health condition still persists. It is also commonly used in determining whether a female mammal is pregnant, such as with a bunny or rodent. 

In the case of reptiles and turtles, ultrasound is sometimes used to determine if there is fluid sitting underneath a shell or problems with the heart. And even birds sometimes undergo an ultrasound to find issues associated with major organs.

Does My Pet Have to Have Anesthesia for an Ultrasound?

In most cases, exotic pets do not need anesthesia to undergo an ultrasound examination. However, there is an exception to this. If the pet is extremely agitated or risks hurting a team member during the procedure, your veterinarian might opt for some form of sedation to make the process safe for everyone involved.

Does your exotic pet need expert care from our team of veterinary experts? Please contact us today at (800) 462-8749 to schedule an appointment.

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