Herbal Holistic Care

Herbs and medicine on a plate Herbal Holistic Care for Your Exotic Pet at Anderson Exotic Veterinary Clinic

Did you know pets benefit from holistic care options such as chiropractic care and acupuncture just as we do? Herbal medicines are also recommended for pets in many instances, even exotic pets such as birds, snakes, lizards, and even big cats, or monkeys. Herbal holistic medicine for exotic pets at a veterinarian may not be a standard offering at your local pet hospital, but our veterinarians in San Diego are proud to provide this service. Read on to learn more about the many benefits of herbal medicine for your exotics. 

What Is Herbal Holistic Medicine for Pets? 

Just as doctors do for humans, veterinarians may prescribe the use of herbal remedies for pets. To do so, however, your practitioner must be a licensed veterinarian or working under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian. Dispensing herbals as a therapy requires specialized knowledge and training -- both skills that our veterinary team possesses. Herbal remedies are derived from specific parts of plants and herbs, and it's important to note that not all are safe for your pet's consumption. This is why it's vital to accept holistic herbal care only from veterinarians who are licensed to practice it, such as our doctors. 

How Can Holistic Herbal Care Help My Exotic Pet? 

It's not always necessary to prescribe traditional drugs such as antibiotics or pain relievers for pets. In many instances, gentle herbal remedies possess the same healing properties without unwanted side effects such as drowsiness, agitation, hyperactivity, or nausea. Herbals may be used to treat a variety of modern-day illnesses in your exotic pet, including:

  • Abnormal liver function
  • Inflammation
  • Tumors
  • Circulatory disorders
  • Pain

Herbal holistic remedies can bring relief and healing to all manner of pets, including exotics. When administered by our specially trained and experienced veterinary team, this type of holistic treatment can transform your pet from one that's uncomfortable or ill to one that's happy and pain-free. 

Schedule an Appointment Today

When you're ready to explore herbal holistic remedies for your pet -- exotic or domestic -- give our office a call at (800) 462-8749. We'll be glad to set up an initial consultation for you and your pet. You'll be happily surprised at the many ways your feathered, furry, or scaly friend can benefit from herbal care at Anderson Exotic Veterinary Clinic. 

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